Because the Lip Labs are currently only available in New York and Toronto, clients who live far away are not able to have the luxurious experience of customizing their lip colors.
The app delivers that experience in the form of blending different colors and textures. The users can mix and blend to their satisfaction then purchase their creation through the app.
My first task was to take a step back from my own experience with cosmetic products. I conducted user research by interviewing potential users, which included stylists and fashion bloggers who enjoy beauty products, skincare, and pay attention to the quality of ingredients.
Based on the received feedback from the users that showed high interest in the app I started my design process with creating a moodboard that contains a color palette, aesthetic, and typography guidelines. Also, I focused on design elements, screen organization, and transitions.
Though I wanted to bring the full Lip Lab experience to a tablet user, I tried to limit the number of screens and make it as simple as possible for a user to navigate through the app.
Early sketching helped to reveal some problems with the app orientation and elements of composition. I had to change the orientation from portrait to landscape for a better user experience.
I've spent some time working on low-fidelity wireframes. The interview process showed that for users it would be much easier to have an access to all blending steps on one screen.
All users can upload a photo or select a model, blend and share images but those who want to save chosen colors or make a purchase must create an account.
With each iteration, I improved the original task flow through qualitative testing reducing the number of steps user must have to achieve the goal.